Macintyre River Intake
Boggabilla, NSW

1 of 4 Finalists in the 2019 NSW Water Awards: Infrastructure Project Innovation Award
30.01.20 Update: Following the recent and much welcomed January rains, the river is at its highest since the construction of the pontoon structure.
A custom PMI designed steel pontoon and water intake structure in the small NSW town of Boggabilla. The completion of the water intake structure and bi-direction pipeline between Boggabilla and Toomelah means that the council is now able to provide a reliable and high quality source of water to both towns, even throughout dry periods.
The concept design was driven by the Project Engineer at the Moree Plains Shire Council. The idea of the floating pontoon came about to avoid the heavy silts which sink toward the bottom of river and tend to clog the water inlets. It features pivoting arms and a rolling gangway to accommodate changes in the river water levels.
A difficult site with a steep and unstable slope on the river bank. Getting a crane in to lower the pontoon structure and shifting it in place on a flowing river required some stealthy coordination to which we credit the contractors.
Moree Plains Shire Council’s Project Representative
Graham Macpherson (Macpherson Design Pty. Ltd.)
Moree Plains Shire Council, Project Engineer
Greg Fisher
Pontoon Construction
Border Fabrication & Engineering, Goondiwindi
Project Funding
NSW Infrastructure – Restart NSW
$5 million Boggabilla to Toomelah water pipeline and pump stations officially opened
Project Coordinator
Graham McPherson
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